Client Sites Services We Offer Join Our Team Contact Us



Oh no! Webmaster unavailable? Sick leave, vacation, maternity leave? And people STILL want you to get their information up on the web? Don't panic!

Remember, if you need short term contracting for web work, Flying Lemon can offer you people who can hit the ground running and keep your business site up and functional. We'll maintain your site just as you would, and keep your internal and external clients happy until you get back.

We can also help if you have a site launch looming or a special project due. Short term help just while you need it - a few days, a few weeks, or a few months.

Help is just a call or an email away. Don't let your site become a millstone around your neck - we're here to support you when you need that little bit extra.

New People!

Flying Lemon Systems wishes to welcome our newest contractors. We are very proud of the job you are doing. Great job, people!



Flying Lemon now offers a new service!

Our people can work with your team to help you write those proposals to win the contracts you should be getting.

You have the expertise - you have the requirements - but writing the proposal makes you wish you were doing something else - ANYTHING else!

Let us come in, talk to your people, and write your proposal for presentation. See what we can do for you!